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ZENii Collagen Supplements

At Time Clinic in Woodford,  our Zenii collagen supplements have proven to be very popular with patients from both London and Essex.

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We stock the ZENii range of supplements, which includes collagen powder, Skin Fusion, and a variety of collagen-rich creams and serums.

Collagen is a protein that is found naturally in the body, including: the skin, joints, hair, bones and nails.

Collagen levels are higher when in our youth, at a time when the body is stronger and functions more efficiently.

As we enter our 20’s this substance starts to decline, and by the time we reach our 30’s or 40’s we can start to notice the effects – changes that are often referred to as ‘part of ageing’.

As well as skin that becomes dull, wrinkled and loose, we can also experience aches and pains, weak / brittle nails and lifeless hair.

How Zenii collagen helps

Collagen supplements are aimed at restoring the body’s cellular functioning and ZENii products are specially formulated to help improve your appearance, as well as your overall wellness.

A consultation with one of our expert practitioners can determine whether an oral or topical product will produce the best results for you, according to your concerns.

Our advice will often recommend regular use, which can be done at home.

ZENii’s philosophy is to protect, nourish, fortify and repair, and each product contains just the right amount of active ingredients to maximise the body’s nutrition. An award-winning brand, ZENii provides many benefits for the skin and body as they help in maintaining youthful properties.

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ZENii Collagen Supplements

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Frequently asked questions

Zenii collagen supplements can be used for a wide variety of reasons, helping to improve many concerns with the skin and body as a person gets older, including: ageing skin (lines and wrinkles, volume loss, loose skin, dull skin), lifeless hair, brittle nails, ridged nails, joint pain and stiffness.

Zenii supplements are clinically proven products that contain a variety of natural ingredients, including: vitamin D, omega-3, probiotics, marine collagen and antioxidants. These supplements may not be recommended if you have a known allergy to fish or shellfish. 

Whether your collagen supplement is administered orally or topically, they should be completely pain-free. If the products cause you any discomfort, you should contact the clinic.

As marine collagen is included within these supplements, those who have an allergy to fish or shellfish may find that they react when taking these products. If you are found to be a suitable candidate for Zenii then the risk of side effects are low. 


From £ 50


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First Floor, Telecoms House,
15 The Broadway,
Woodford Green, IG8 0HL

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