Gummy Smile

A disproportionate amount of gum in view when a person smiles, is known as a gummy smile, and affects up to 15% of people. This disproportionate gum tissue to teeth ratio can leave sufferers feeling self conscious about their smile and finding ways to conceal their gums and teeth when smiling.
This condition can have a number of causes, from issues with the teeth, gums and lips, to an often hereditary abnormal eruption of adult teeth which makes them appear short, when in actual fact, the tooth itself is perfectly normal in size.
Equally, the mobility of the top lip plays a factor in the appearance of a gummy smile, as if hyper-mobility occurs, the upper lip rises excessively on smiling, again revealing too much of the gum. At Time Clinic, a gummy smile is treated with the use of muscle relaxing injections to reduce the activity of the muscle that runs along the side of the nose and finishes in the skin of the lip, leaving the patient with a much improved smile.
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