March is the month when Spring officially begins and we start to see the end of the colder conditions that have played havoc with our complexion. This is one time of the year when just turning up the heat and getting cosy can be a major cause of dry skin.
When it’s chilly outside we often look to find ways of warming up, and sometimes a long hot bath does just the trick, helping us to feel toastie warm from deep inside. What makes this even more tempting is lots and lots of luxurious bubbles, enticing us with a
delicious scent and the promise of silky smooth skin.
However appealing this little treat may seem (with or without the scented candles and cheeky glass of wine), the reality is these fluctuations in temperature as well as the over use of some soaps can often be a little too harsh on our delicate skin. The impact of going from hot to cold / cold to hot, as well as the unfriendly chemicals used in some of these products can cause the skin to dry out, becoming itchy and rough.
It’s all too easy to reach for moisturisers to remedy the problem of dry skin, but what you really need is a complete skin care system that can improve the skin’s health and hydration, really leaving your skin looking and feeling soft, supple and super vibrant.
At Time Clinic there are a variety of products available that are just what the Doctor ordered: iS Clinical and Obagi skin care ranges – both are uniquely formulated to dramatically improve the skin’s tone and texture, and leave you looking and feeling refreshed and radiant.
So prepare to ‘blossom this Spring, with radiant skin’, when you pamper yourself with one of
these two fantastic skin care ranges, available at Time clinic.