Our knowledgeable skincare specialist and aesthetic nurse Helen shares her best advice for boosting your skin health, without having to leave the house.
1. Use SPF – no excuses!
While you’ll be used to wearing sunscreen when outdoors, it’s important to know that the same UVA and UVB rays can penetrate clouds and windows. Not only that, but there is evidence that blue light from screens can damage skin. So, whether you’re only popping to the shops or having a duvet day, you should still always apply a minimum factor 30 every day.
2. Hands off
Doors, buttons, work equipment… how many things do you touch a day without washing your hands straight afterwards? Just think how much dirt, oil and germs accumulate on your fingertips… now will you touch your face? As well as being a bit gross, this muck can lead to breakouts and other skin conditions. Wash your hands as often as possible and avoid touching your face unnecessarily.
3. Brighten with Vitamin C
If you want a brighter complexion, vitamin C is a must-have! Known as an antioxidant, vitamin C helps protect the skin’s surface from environmental aggressors such as UV and pollution, as well as the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Use it every morning after cleansing.
4. Don’t forget the lips
Your lips are also susceptible to the sun’s radiation, leading to a dry and damaged appearance. Here at Time Clinic, we offer SPF designed specifically for the lips so drop us a message to get your hands on some.
5. Exfoliate dead skin cells
One of the reasons our skin can look dull is because of dead skin cells. Scrubbing these away with a good exfoliator is crucial if you want to bring back a natural glow. Of course, out of the house, regular facials will really ramp up results. We offer the fabulous iS Clinical Fire & Ice Facial that gently but effectively resurfaces the skin.
6. Stay hydrated
As well as drinking around eight glasses of water a day – good for your general health as well as your skin health – you should consider investing in a great hydrating formula that will leave your face looking fresh! Obagi Hydrate is our go-to.
7. Double cleanse
Once is good, twice is better. By cleansing twice at the end of each day, you’ll ensure that all the dirt, bacteria, oil and pollution has been removed from your skin. It’ll also help stop you leaving make-up stains on your pillow too!
8. Emphasise those eyes
The skin around your eyes is thinner and show signs of ageing more quickly than other areas of the face. Whether you suffer from dryness, puffiness, dark circles or pigmentation, an eye cream can work wonders. Look out for ones that contain hyaluronic acid and peptides if you want to see a real difference.
9. Say goodbye to coffee
Bad news if you’re a coffee lover. Even decaf can make your skin look dehydrated and saggy. Focus on upping your intake of water throughout the day if you want to get your glow back.
10. Hydrate with HA
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is what we use in a lot of dermal fillers to volumise and contour your face, so you’ll appreciate that it’s going to be great in skincare too. When looking for a HA serum, see where the molecule is micronised or if the hyaluronic acid is in a vehicle that penetrates the skin to be effective where it needs to be, like the iS Clinical Hydra Cool Serum, which has a high concentration of HA.
11. Catch up on sleep
Unsurprisingly, sleep has a key role in rejuvenating your skin. During the third and fourth stages of sleep, your body goes into repair mode and produces cells and hormones that help boost collagen production, which results in healthier skin! Avoid screens before bedtime, try a relaxing podcast or drink a herbal tea if you struggle to get to sleep.
12. Invest in retinol
Derived from vitamin A, retinol is renowned as one of the most powerful tools in skincare. It helps to exfoliate and smooth skin, while diminishing the appearance of hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles. There’s lots of different strengths of retinol, so if you’re new to it, start low! It must also only be applied at night as it can make your skin more sensitive to light. Speak to us if you’d like advice on how to get started.
We hope you found these skincare tips useful. If you’d like to invest in skincare that’s clinically proven to make a difference check out our shop or chat to our skincare experts to find out what’s best for your specific concerns.
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